Monday, June 23, 2008

The Church Deceived?

"Imagine one Sunday morning you go to your local Christian church and find that something very odd is going on. As you approach the church building, a stranger wearing a "Gay Pride" T-shirt opens the door for you and says, "Come in. God loves you just the way you are!" Confused, you hurry to the worship service and find that a New Age guru has been invited to preach. After the error-filled sermon, you stagger to your Sunday School class and hear the shocking claim that Christ is NOT the only way to heaven, but that eternal life can be found in all religions. You are then asked to seek a spirit guide to verify this "truth" through Eastern meditation."—Chris Carmichael, When Churches Promote Books Instead of the Book

It seems that this is taking place in the church all around us. We already know that the mainline churches are filled with apostasy and compromise. But it seems that deception is even deeper than we realized, certainly than I realized. Evangelical leaders all around us are buying into new age mysticism couched in Christian terminology "Contemplative Prayer." Rick Warren is a proponet of this, and has went so far as joining arms in the cause of the "kingdom of god" with Buddhists and Hindus and Gay activists. Bill Hybels at Willow Creek has also incorporated a 'paradigm shift' into the mystical with their spiritual disciplines.

I would like to cite one more paragraph that I think says it well:

For those who realize that contemplative spirituality is the vehicle through which the kingdom-now, emerging church, dominionist views draw their strength and momentum, Willow Creek's "shocking confession" will indeed be very shocking. As Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, and most other major leaders in Christianity today, stand arm and arm with contemplatives and emerging spirituality, those who understand biblical prophecy about the days prior to Christ's return will realize that history is being made. But unfortunately, Scripture warns that Satan will deceive the whole world (Revelation 12:9) and that a great falling away will occur. Let us be sober-minded and diligent to stand for biblical truth and the Gospel that alone can save the soul that turns to Jesus Christ in humility and repentance, acknowledging Him to be God, Lord, and Savior. [

by: Editors at Lighthouse Trails

If any of thes terms seem 'big' to you, don't feel bad. At the following link, their research site main page, they define terms.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Contemplative Spirituality/Emergent Church

Hey everyone, sorry I've been gone so long. I had to fill in for the senior pastor one week, and then I seemed to become absorbed into what is happening to the the North American church. And really, this has been going on for some time, and I've even posted on some of it. It seems there is a huge move of mysticism infiltrating the church in the name of "contemplative prayer." This practice was carried out by the 'Desert Fathers' in the early middle ages, but derives its source and main practice from Eastern Religions. This contemplative prayer is Christian terminology for what the Hindus call Transcendental Meditation or TM. It has also been toyed with in the Church in the name of "Christian Yoga," which I hear is on the website for Barrack Obama's former Church under church ministries!

Lighthouse Trails publishing company includes this definition of Contmplative Prayer or Spirituality on their site:
Contemplative Spirituality: A belief system that uses ancient mystical practices to induce altered states of consciousness (the silence) and is rooted in mysticism and the occult but often wrapped in Christian terminology. The premise of contemplative spirituality is pantheistic (God is all) and panentheistic (God is in all). Common terms used for this movement are "spiritual formation," "the silence," "the stillness," "ancient-wisdom," "spiritual disciplines," and many others.

To see instructions on how to go about it, see the website for the International House of Prayer:

Now I don't know about you, but I don't have to meditate for 20 minutes to find the presence of God, I just bow my head in prayer, and I'm in His presence by the substitutionary work my Savior did for me on the cross, which covers my sin and gives ME His righteousness through faith!

What is shocking is the rate at which all this is occurring and being accepted! When looking at the list of Chrisitans now promoting this New Age/Mystical movement in the Church, my wife started crying! "It seems like everyone is falling!" she said. Indeed, it's quite disturbing. And maybe you know of this movement, or have picked up on it. I was shocked how many books I had from people who are now part of this movement. Chances are, if you've read Rick Warren's Purpose Driven Life, you've been touched by it.

Let's see who some of these people are: John Ortberg, Erwin McManus, J. P. Moreland, Dallas Willard, Brennan Manning , Henri Nouwen , Philip Yancey, John Eldredge, Gary Thomas, Richard Foster (Celebration of Discipline and Prayer: Finding the Heart's True Home); Bill Hybels, Brother Lawrence, Larry Crabb, Lance Witt, Max Lucado, H.B. London , Erik Reese, Donald Miller , Eugene Peterson, Michael Casey .

If you're anything like me, you're in a bit of shock right at the moment! I own books by several of these people, books I really liked! Wow. This list of names is from the Saddleback church's library of works that contain "strong contemplative propensities." All of these people are aligning themsevles with the contemplative prayer movement that is taking our churches by storm. I got this list of names at Lighthouse Trail's newest newsletter,

As if this isn't enough, the emerging church, the 30s something church, is focusing more on a social/marxist/Kingdom Now theology, and not emphasizing the substitutionary death of Christ for the payment of our sins. It's as if they think Jesus was a good example to follow for a better life here and now. Nevermind the fact that you've sinned and grieved a holy, infinite, omnipotent and just God, of whom scriptures say, "It's a terrible thing to fall into the hands of the living God!" (Heb. 10:31).

You know how a few months back Tony Blair got religion, his wifes religion, Roman Catholicism? Well, in his zeal (and lack of knowledge, Hos. 4:6) he formed an institution aimed at bringing all the religions arm in arm in peace. One stated purpose of this organization of what they will not tolerate is religous groups who are exclusive to other religons (my paraphrase). HELLO??? Southern Baptist? Any Bible Believers out there? Jesus said "I AM the way the truth and the Life, and NO MAN comes to the Father but through ME" (Jn 14:6). For there is salvation in no one else, for there is NO OTHER NAME under heaven given to men by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12). And guess who sits on the advisory board for this great, ecumenical organization? Rick Warren. Yep. So Warren, and the emergent church leaders (Brian Mclaren, Robb Bell, Shane Clairborne...) are all working to unite world religions (nevermind the exclusivity of the gospel, that's an archaic issue) for the betterment of all mankind. Can anyone say ONE WORLD RELIGION? HELLO!!?
One man went to a conference held by emergent leader Brian Mclaren, and reflecting back on it, had this to say:
I found that the essence of these statements are still proving to be axiomatic after my experience at the “Everything Must Change” conference held at Goshen College in Goshen, Indiana with emergent church leader Brian McLaren. I sat through session after session listening to the emergent “gospel;” complete with medieval chants and choruses of despair, apologies to the Native American Indians of the St. Joseph River Valley, as well as to “Mother Earth” for scarring her through our mining and oil drilling operations. The sarcasm with which traditional Scriptural positions were discussed, coupled with repeated swipes at Christians who were (in McLaren’s opinion) waiting to be “snatched away,” “evacuated,” or “beamed up,” brought one particular Scripture passage constantly to my heart and mind. 2 Peter 3:3-13 captures the essence of the conference:


The music was all original and was performed by a very gifted young woman. The tonality was “modal” and a-rhythmic; reminiscent of the “coffee house” styles of the 1960s; a sort of “Hillsong meets Joan Baez” blend. Very prosaic in nature, with quickly spoken recitations over guitar and violin, seven or eight words to every two or three beats; all crying out about our rape of “Mother Earth” and other human rights violations. The thing that stuck out to me was that there was no worship poetry extolling the Glory of God or the beauty of Christ in creation. Everything was directed towards an inward, subjective, and very mystical experience, coupled with a worldview which represented more of the Gospel of “Marx” than of “Mark.” Reflecting back to the opening “worship chorus” inspired by Francis of Assisi; Mr. McLaren stated that in one particular city a man rose from his seat and walked out because the song sounded “New Age.” He then scoffed, “Not New Age, but Middle Age”… a comment that drew delighted laughter from his admiring congregation.

His article goes on and is very interesting as it gives us a glimpse into the practice and belief of much of the emergent church. My wife kept telling me, "No, no, I don't want to see this. I want the LORD to return and take us, I don't want to see this happen." I didn't feel very sympathetic as I said "I know, but it was written about in the Bible thousands of years ago that it would happen this way." And in an effort to encourage her, I said, "This should cause us to be encouraged, to look up, because our Lord is soon in returning!" So, for all I could muster, I wasn't very encouraging. And I think it will continue to get worse. All I can say is "lift up your heads, for your redemption is drawing near!" (Lk 21:28).
