Monday, June 23, 2008

The Church Deceived?

"Imagine one Sunday morning you go to your local Christian church and find that something very odd is going on. As you approach the church building, a stranger wearing a "Gay Pride" T-shirt opens the door for you and says, "Come in. God loves you just the way you are!" Confused, you hurry to the worship service and find that a New Age guru has been invited to preach. After the error-filled sermon, you stagger to your Sunday School class and hear the shocking claim that Christ is NOT the only way to heaven, but that eternal life can be found in all religions. You are then asked to seek a spirit guide to verify this "truth" through Eastern meditation."—Chris Carmichael, When Churches Promote Books Instead of the Book

It seems that this is taking place in the church all around us. We already know that the mainline churches are filled with apostasy and compromise. But it seems that deception is even deeper than we realized, certainly than I realized. Evangelical leaders all around us are buying into new age mysticism couched in Christian terminology "Contemplative Prayer." Rick Warren is a proponet of this, and has went so far as joining arms in the cause of the "kingdom of god" with Buddhists and Hindus and Gay activists. Bill Hybels at Willow Creek has also incorporated a 'paradigm shift' into the mystical with their spiritual disciplines.

I would like to cite one more paragraph that I think says it well:

For those who realize that contemplative spirituality is the vehicle through which the kingdom-now, emerging church, dominionist views draw their strength and momentum, Willow Creek's "shocking confession" will indeed be very shocking. As Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, and most other major leaders in Christianity today, stand arm and arm with contemplatives and emerging spirituality, those who understand biblical prophecy about the days prior to Christ's return will realize that history is being made. But unfortunately, Scripture warns that Satan will deceive the whole world (Revelation 12:9) and that a great falling away will occur. Let us be sober-minded and diligent to stand for biblical truth and the Gospel that alone can save the soul that turns to Jesus Christ in humility and repentance, acknowledging Him to be God, Lord, and Savior. [

by: Editors at Lighthouse Trails

If any of thes terms seem 'big' to you, don't feel bad. At the following link, their research site main page, they define terms.

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