Monday, September 22, 2008

Tzipi Livni: Real life ALIAS!

Certainly these are some of the most tumultuous times that we are living in! I'm watching the Middle East, and watching Israel, God's time clock. Olmert has come out with a ridiculous (not religulous!) assertion that those who believe in Biblical prophesies of a greater Israel are delusional. Then A'mad says Israel's not going to survive, even a lesser Israel!

So Olmert is being indicted on bribery charges, and has resigned his post of PM of Israel. Tzipi Livni has stepped in from his cabinet to carry out his duties... and if she is able to form a stable government in the next 45 days, she will be the next Israeli PM.

So I was wondering what sort of person she would be to lead Israel. I looked her up, and read some on her, and I was impressed! Remember the series ALIAS, with Jennifer Garner? Well Tzipi Livni is the real live Sydney Bristow! Let me share just a few quotes from this article.

Livni joined Mossad [Israeli Intelligence] after leaving the army with the rank of lieutenant and completing a year at law school. From her base in Paris she travelled throughout Europe in pursuit of Arab terrorists.

“Tzipi was not an office girl,” said an acquaintance. “She was a clever woman with an IQ of 150. She blended in well in European capitals, working with male agents, most of them ex-commandos, taking out Arab terrorists.”

Livni has never talked about her years with Mossad, but a glimpse of the nature of the work was given by her closest female partner on European assignments. “The risks were tangible,” said Mira Gal, who became head of her ministerial office. “If I made a mistake the result would be arrest and catastrophic political implications for Israel.”

And as to her upbringing? Check out her parents!

Both her parents were arrested for terrorist crimes in the 1940s. Her mother Sarah, who died recently aged 85, was a leader of Irgun, the militant Zionist group that operated in Palestine at the time of the British mandate and whose exploits included train robbery.

“I was disguised as a pregnant woman and robbed a train carrying £35,000,” she said in an interview shortly before she died. “Then we blew up another train en route from Jerusalem to Tel Aviv.”

Livni’s father, Eitan, was sentenced to 15 years in jail for attacking a British military base. He escaped.

I mean, this is Kimpossible fodder! The author of the article notes that she does support the idea of giving up the West Bank, but she is not playing games with Syria or Iran, and will want to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities. If she stays, and Bibi doesn't get it, I think she take out Iran... though I think giving out the West Bank is a bad idea. Hopefully she doesn't hold to Olmert's ant-Biblical views.

For full article:

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