Friday, December 21, 2007

Mormons fit to be in Office?

Hmmm... wow, that sets off the blog, doesn't it? No, I'm not personally against Mormons. I think they can be very nice people. I had to comment on Romney's behavior. It's been eating at me the past couple of days. Don't ya like how he defined the word 'saw'? Does that bring anyone back to the days of Clinton's redefinition of the word 'is'?

See, Romney had no problem twisting the definition of the word 'saw,' because Mormons in general twist definitions to fit their metaphysical program. They claim to be Christian, and sound very Christian, at the outset. They confess that Jesus is the Son of God (by physical procreation with Mary), and then twist the meaning of 'virgin birth.' Mormons don't tell you that God the Father is one in a long line of exalted humans who earned their way to "achieving god-hood" through perfectly observing the celestial law. Really, Mormons are polytheists.

Mormons use terms familiar to Christians like 'salvation,' but mean by it a 'general salvation' to the lowest form of heaven. Oh, and Mormons believe the only ones who go to hell are the apostate Mormons, so you have a better chance in the afterlife if you never become a Mormon. If you are a devoted Mormon, but still can't completely keep the Celestial law, you'll go to the second heaven. But if you're perfect, like Jesus, you will be exalted (exaltation) to god-hood and get your own planet and spirit children with your wife, who will remain pregnant for eternity, until the two of you are promoted to a higher level of god-hood.

I also like how when confronted with the question about Lucifer and Jesus being brothers, Romney denied it, though a simple websearch shows the LDS apostles have taught it, and by logical implication of the Mormon worldview, they are necessarily brothers of Father and Mother God, as in Mormon theology, we are all literal spirit children of the heavenly couple. And the spokesperson for the LDS church came out and flatly denied that this is a Mormon doctrine (teaching).

So if Romney can openly lie to the American public about his religion, and he can redefine words to fit his agenda (trying to run the country?), does he have the integrity to be in office? I don't think so. Maybe I should have called the blog, "Do Mormons have integrity?"

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