Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Homosexuals advance attack on Churches!

Many of you may remember a past blog speaking about the Homosexual group Soulforce, which is planning an invastion into a number of prominent Protestant churches. Their intent for this is obvious, to confront these churches trying to persaude them to openly accept the homosexual lifestyle. And they aren't playing games! This is a matter of serious prayer for our nation's pastors, but especially those of these churches they will target. Let's be a shield of prayer about them!

Soulforce is on the march again. On my radio program two years ago, I featured the Provost of Bethel University in St. Paul, MN, my alma mater. The Provost had decided the best option with regards to Soulforce, a militant gay organization led by Mel White, was to welcome them in and let them deal with students as they wished. Other Twin Cities' Christian colleges had literally barred the doors to protect the students. Bethel gave them a lot of room and grace.


Calling this "adventure" the "American Family Outing," Soulforce will enter Lakewood Church (Joel Osteen), The Potter's House (T.D. Jakes), Saddleback Church (Rick Warren), Willow Creek Community Church (Bill Hybels), Hope Christian Church (Harry Jackson), and New Missionary Church (Eddie Long). Again Soulforce has not been invited, but these churches aren't turning them away. Perhaps there is always the underlying hope that these colleges and churches can make a difference in the lives of Soulforce men and women.

Soulforce states on its Web site that they wish to "begin a process of changing hearts and minds" in those churches and to educate the national public through the media on the issues of faith, family, and sexuality."


This alert is sent out mainly for prayer purposes. The Soulforce campaign runs from Mother's Day through Father's Day, and is a great slap in the face to the traditional family. They will challenge what the Bible says, cause disruption and likely stand and turn their back to the preachers in the pulpit. Pray for wisdom for church leaders who will come under this oppression and for opportunities to share the true gospel with these men and women, even though they are hostile to all things biblical.

I strongly encourage everyone to visit Jan's site to see the rull article/prayer request. It's Let us stand closer together more than ever as the time approaches for our Savior to come for His children. Let us try to have as much impact for holiness and righteousness as we can in this last time!

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