Friday, January 18, 2008

Meida are showing their true colors...

In these most expedient presidential primaries, I know my eyes have been opened to alot. Of course, I knew Fox News Channel was the only TV network to get truly conservative viewpoints, or on the internet. But I hope everyone is seeing that all the rest of the networks are biased in ways that are anti-American, anti-Judeo-Christian. It seems taht if the wrong party got in control, we're not all that far from a socialist (read: communist) tyranny in this once great nation!

The conservative watchdog group Culture and Media Institute argues that the American media seem to care more about the health and internal unity of the Democratic Party than they do the important issues facing voters during the presidential campaign.


The Culture and Media Institute (CMI) director also accuses the media of giving Obama a free pass when it comes to his political platform. He says Obama keeps talking about bringing a change to Washington, yet nobody in the media has questioned Obama as to what that change might be. "The media seem curiously incurious about the details [of that proposed change]," he remarks.

for full article, go to

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