Friday, January 4, 2008

Incentive for political bias

Happy New Year to everyone! I hope you had a great Christmas holiday. I've been out and away for a bit, so that's part of the reason I was gone so long. Have any of you watched the Iowa caucus last night. I love how when Huckabee did well in the voting, it was attributed to the "rural evangelicals," but supposedly Huckabee won't have that going for him in the other states! They ought to come out and call the Christians hillbillys, for that's what they mean. Hey, I'm from the hills of NC, I'm a hillbilly! Nevermind the fact that I've got a 97 hr. Masters of Theology!

I don't mean to be saying the same thing over and over, but I guess I've had my eyes opened with Huckabee running for office and all the conservative broadcasters him. And they just don't stop. They keep harping about how he made all these pardons, when all you have to do is go to Huck's site, and see that every criminal in Arkansas is entitled to apply for a pardon, and Huckabee turned DOWN over 80% of them. Does Romney even carry out that part of his government role, or does he deal with that?

So back to the conservative broadcasters, you know, Rush, Hannity, Ingram, Coulter. I think it's interesting that they all work for Clear Channel. Guess who Clear Channel is owned by. It's owned by Bain Capital, and guess who owns Bain Capital. Who else but Mitt Romney! Hmmm... let's put two and two together. The reason all these talk-show hosts is because he pays their checks.

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