Tuesday, January 8, 2008

The Quran advocates Violence against Women!

Have you heard of the deaths of the two lovely young teenage girls in TX? Evidently their father killed them for being "too American." Robert Spencer writes an interesting article on them.

Over the next few days, as more details emerge about the murders of Amina and Sarah Said, we will see Islamic spokesmen on TV (Ibrahim Hooper is probably sitting for make-up as you read this) explaining that honor killing is a cultural practice that has nothing to do with Islam, and of course above all the one thing we must avoid doing in the aftermath of these murders is entertain for even a moment the possibility that Islamic attitudes and atmospherics had anything to do with the deaths of these girls.

And Alan Colmes will nod sagely and agree that Islamophobia is a terrible problem, and Sean Hannity will burble about the "hijacking of a great religion," and Glenn Beck will assure us that the Qur'an teaches nonviolence, and a splendid time is guaranteed for all. No one will dream of holding the American Muslim community accountable for aiding and abetting the creation of a culture of violence against women. Oh no. That would be "Islamophobic."

for the full article, go to: http://www.frontpagemag.com/Articles/Printable.aspx?GUID=A14A51D8-99D1-4E73-B745-737EF04FAB9D


Anonymous said...

To one with a highly experienced eye, it is obvious the murders of the beautiful Said sisters of suburban Dallas were dishonor killings.

Ellen R. Sheeley, Author
"Reclaiming Honor in Jordan"

Anonymous said...

Yes, I quite agree with you Mrs. Sheeley. I hope that justice will be served. Thank you for your comment.